1. Persons desiring water must apply to the Treasurer of the Fire District for a permit to connect to the water main and must state the several uses for which water is required.
  2. Water rents must be paid semi-annually in advance. A 5% penalty will be added 30 days from billing date. Demand bills sent for water shut off will include a $20.00 fee. All bills remaining unpaid for 30 days from due date of bill will be sufficient cause to shut off the water, and it will not be turned on again until bill is paid in full. (amended 5/2007)
  3. Abatements will only be allowed when water is shut off for two or more months. Abatements shall not be allowed unless water taker applies for abatement on the regular form in advance of the period during which water will be shut off.
  4. There will be a $50.00 charge for water shut off and $50.00 charge for water turn on in non-emergency cases.
  5. All premises supplied with water must be accessible and open to inspection by the Water Commissioners or their Agent at all times, and fixtures are subject to rejection if deemed unsuitable in any manner. No increase or extension shall be made without permission from the Board.
  6. All persons taking water must keep their fixtures in good repair and in such condition as to prevent any waste of water. All expenses of installing, repairing, or replacing of service pipes will be the responsibility of the owner of the property.
  7. No person using water shall suffer it to be wasted or kept running or used by any person not a resident in his family, except for drinking on the premises.
  8. In case of making repairs or extensions, or other necessary purposes, the Commissioners reserve the right to shut off the water at once and keep it shut off as long as necessary, and the District shall not be liable for any loss arising from shutting off water.
  9. No person shall interfere with the hydrants or hose of the Fire District without permission of the Water Commissioners.
  10. The Commissioners reserve the right to change the water rates or the Rules and Regulations, also to stop the use of water in fountains, hoses, and sprinklers when the public interest requires.
  11. If any person shall violate any of the foregoing regulations his supply of water shall be stopped, and he shall forfeit his payment of rent.
  12. All persons or owners of premises applying for or using the water of the District, agree to conform to said Rules and Regulations.